Sunday 11 October 2015

Empowering Print and Marketing Service Reps

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Sales can be a vrey tough field, being a sales rep seems to be a niche that only a few are successful doing. In print and marketing service industries it is no different. Statistics show that about 20% of sales reps bring in about 80% of the business. So what are the other 80% of the reps doing wrong? Is it that sales is an inherent character trait? Maybe, but could it not be how the reps are trained more so than an inherited trait? If the training is poor or not giving the proper tools and skills, then it is it really the reps fault that they fail? Flight training used to be similar to sales training: teach them what to say and do, send them out with an experienced trainer for a ride-along, then ship them out to crash or sell. Not surprisingly, most fail. Now what if sales reps were trained like modern day flight personnel, they […]

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